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* What is the default data size, 32 or 64 bit?
* What is the default data size, 32 or 64 bit?
:* Pros for 32-bit:
** Pros for 32-bit:
::* ints are usually 32-bit in C and C++, even on 64-bit machines so may be more in line with developer expectations
*** ints are usually 32-bit in C and C++, even on 64-bit machines so may be more in line with developer expectations
::* may yield faster code
*** may yield faster code
:* Pros for 64-bit:
** Pros for 64-bit:
::* Address locations / pointers need to be 64-bit, so 64-bit int may make it easier / more logical to do address / pointer calculations
*** Address locations / pointers need to be 64-bit, so 64-bit int may make it easier / more logical to do address / pointer calculations
::* Attempt to use a 32-bit int as a pointer should probably give a compiler error. With 64-bit ints, such errors may be more rare
*** Attempt to use a 32-bit int as a pointer should probably give a compiler error. With 64-bit ints, such errors may be more rare
* How to specify SIMD and floating-point operations?
* What is the simplest type system that will work?
* How to specify floating-point operations?
** Options:
*** Number with '''.''' infers float
**** '''myvar = 1.0'''
*** '''.f''' forces float
**** '''myvar.f = 1'''
* How to handle expressions involving float?
** Options:
*** Handle like in C and C++, where any int that becomes involved in float calculation is "upgraded" to a float first and the result becomes float
* Which instruction sets should be supported?
* Which instruction sets should be supported?
** Options:
*** Any that the underlying assembler support. So, anything that appears to be instructions is just passed through to the assembler after name to register resolve
* How to specify SIMD operations?
** Options:
*** Use language support for assembly instruction pass through and use SIMD instructions directly
* What is the simplest type system that will work?
==Language features==
==Language features==

Latest revision as of 20:49, 9 October 2017

Most low level details can be found in ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv8.


  1. Let the compiler allocate registers
  2. Make it possible to use readable variable names in a safe way
  3. Add a thin level of abstraction that does not require a full compiler to generate good code

Open questions

  • What is the default data size, 32 or 64 bit?
    • Pros for 32-bit:
      • ints are usually 32-bit in C and C++, even on 64-bit machines so may be more in line with developer expectations
      • may yield faster code
    • Pros for 64-bit:
      • Address locations / pointers need to be 64-bit, so 64-bit int may make it easier / more logical to do address / pointer calculations
      • Attempt to use a 32-bit int as a pointer should probably give a compiler error. With 64-bit ints, such errors may be more rare
  • How to specify floating-point operations?
    • Options:
      • Number with . infers float
        • myvar = 1.0
      • .f forces float
        • myvar.f = 1
  • How to handle expressions involving float?
    • Options:
      • Handle like in C and C++, where any int that becomes involved in float calculation is "upgraded" to a float first and the result becomes float
  • Which instruction sets should be supported?
    • Options:
      • Any that the underlying assembler support. So, anything that appears to be instructions is just passed through to the assembler after name to register resolve
  • How to specify SIMD operations?
    • Options:
      • Use language support for assembly instruction pass through and use SIMD instructions directly
  • What is the simplest type system that will work?

Language features

bit slicing

   index index
       a = n.[10..2]
   index lsb
       a = n.[10..]
   msb index
       a = n.[..2]
   index count
       a = n.[10,2]
   msb-index index
       a = n.[-2..]  strip the two most significant bits    
       bit = n.[index]

Common operators

Using python operator precedence with assembly style additions
( ) Custom order of operations, a = (a + b) * c
  +   addition
  <+> addition and set condition codes on result


Bitwise logical
  Normal  Alternative?
  &       and
  |       or
  ^       eor
  &~      bic
  |~      orn
  ^~      eon
  ~       not

  Normal  High precedence
  <<      lsl
  >>      lsr
  >>>     asr
  >|>     ror

Built in functions

clz    count leading zeros
cls    count leading signs
rbit   mirror bits
rev    swap endian
cnt    population count
adr    returns the address of a label

Conditional functions                 true false      
  CSEL  cond x y   select               x | y
  CSINC cond x y   select increment   x+1 | y
  CSINV cond x y   select inversion    ~x | y
  CSNEG cond x y   select negation     -x | y
  CINC  cond x     increment          x+1 | x
  CINV  cond x     invert              ~x | x 
  CNEG  cond x     negate              -x | x
  CSET  cond       set                  1 | 0
  CSETM cond       set mask            -1 | 0

Program flow

< reg-list = > label <reg-list>
    Function call

return <reg-list>
    Return from function with zero or more variables

    Jump to the top of the loop

    Jump to after the end of the loop

    Conditional branch to a label

while cond
    Execute the loop zero or more times while cond = true

dowhile cond
    Execute the loop one or more times while cond = true
for x

for x = 1 to y

if then else


<op> set condition flags on the result of op, a = b <+> c

a = b > c ? 10 : 20
a = 10 if b > c else 20
a = if b > c then 10 else 20
<le> returns -1 if the condition flags matches the condition for Less than or equal otherwise 0.
<c> returns the Carry flag as 0 or 1


Condition flags

N Negative - The most significant bit of the result, 1 if the result is negative otherwise 0.
Z Zero     - 1 if the result of the instruction is zero, 0 otherwise.
C Carry    - 1 if the instruction results in a carry condition, for example an unsigned overflow that is the result of an addition.
V Overflow - 1 if the instruction results in an overflow condition, for example a signed overflow that is the result of an addition.
Mnemonic                        Condition     Exactly opposite
   AL    Always                    Any           NOP
   CC    Carry clear               C=0           CS
   CS    Carry set                 C=1           CC
   EQ    Equal                     Z=1           NE
   GE    Greater than or equal     N=V           LT
   GT    Greater than              N=V and Z=0   LE
   HI    Higher (unsigned)         C=1 and Z=0   LS
   LE    Less than or equal        N<>V or Z=1   GT
   LS    Lower or same (unsigned)  C=0  or Z=1   HI
   LT    Less than                 N<>V          GE
   MI    Negative                  N=1           PL
   NE    Not equal                 Z=0           EQ
   PL    Positive                  N=0           MI
   VC    Overflow clear            V=0           VS
   VS    Overflow set              V=1           VC
   LO    Lower (unsigned)          Alias for CC  HS
   HS    Higher/same (unsigned)    Alias for CS  LO

Memory access

[adr].32 = 0
[adr].64 = {xpos,ypos}    Multiple variables
b = [addr].s16
b = [addr1 + addr2].s16
arr[idx].64 = [addr2]
arr[idx]!64 = [addr2]     Increment idx by 8
push {var-list}               Access the system stack
pop {var-list}


Everything that starts on the first character on a line is a label. Labels are local to the function they are defined in. To reach other labels a fully qualified name is required.

label    x = 3
         a = adr bootloader.var2  ; Fully qualified label name

Data structures


Memory manager



Print value in hexadecimal

   clz     x11,x0
   subs    x11,x11,#64
   sub     x1,x1,x11,asr #2
   cinc    x1,x1,eq
   strb    wzr,[x1]
   ubfx    x10,x0,#0,#4
   cmp     x10,#9
   add     x10,x10,#'0'
   add     x11,x10,#7
   csel    x11,x10,x11,ls
   strb    w11,[x1,#-1]!
   lsr     x0,x0,#4
   cbne    x0,.loop

tohhex adr number
   leadingZeros = clz number
   remainingBits = 64 - leadingZeros
   remainingDigits = remainingBits / 4
   adr = adr + remainingDigits

   if remainingDigits = 0
       adr += 1
   [adr].8 = 0
   dowhile number <> 0
       digit = number.[3..0]
       number = number >> 4

       if digit <= 9
           digit = digit + '0'
           digit = digit + '0' + 7  

           adr -= 1
           [adr].8 = digit

tohhex adr number
   leadingZeros = clz number
   remainingBits = 64 <-> leadingZeros
   remainingDigits = remainingBits / 4
   adr = adr + remainingDigits
   adr = <eq> ? adr + 1 : adr

   [adr].8 = 0

   dowhile number <> 0
       digit = number.[3..0]
       number = number >> 4

       if digit <= 9
           digit = digit + '0'
           digit = digit + '0' + 7  

           adr -= 1
           [adr].8 = digit

Add with carry

x = y + z + <c>