Abstracted assembler

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Most low level details can be found in ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv8.


  1. Let the compiler allocate registers
  2. Make it possible to use readable variable names in a safe way
  3. Add a thin level of abstraction that does not require a full compiler to generate good code

Open questions

  • What is the default data size, 32 or 64 bit?
    • Pros for 32-bit:
      • ints are usually 32-bit in C and C++, even on 64-bit machines so may be more in line with developer expectations
      • may yield faster code
    • Pros for 64-bit:
      • Address locations / pointers need to be 64-bit, so 64-bit int may make it easier / more logical to do address / pointer calculations
      • Attempt to use a 32-bit int as a pointer should probably give a compiler error. With 64-bit ints, such errors may be more rare
  • How to specify floating-point operations?
    • Options:
      • Number with . infers float
        • myvar = 1.0
      • .f forces float
        • myvar.f = 1
  • How to handle expressions involving float?
    • Options:
      • Handle like in C and C++, where any int that becomes involved in float calculation is "upgraded" to a float first and the result becomes float
  • Which instruction sets should be supported?
    • Options:
      • Any that the underlying assembler support. So, anything that appears to be instructions is just passed through to the assembler after name to register resolve
  • How to specify SIMD operations?
    • Options:
      • Use language support for assembly instruction pass through and use SIMD instructions directly
  • What is the simplest type system that will work?

Language features

bit slicing

   index index
       a = n.[10..2]
   index lsb
       a = n.[10..]
   msb index
       a = n.[..2]
   index count
       a = n.[10,2]
   msb-index index
       a = n.[-2..]  strip the two most significant bits    
       bit = n.[index]

Common operators

Using python operator precedence with assembly style additions
( ) Custom order of operations, a = (a + b) * c
  +   addition
  <+> addition and set condition codes on result


Bitwise logical
  Normal  Alternative?
  &       and
  |       or
  ^       eor
  &~      bic
  |~      orn
  ^~      eon
  ~       not

  Normal  High precedence
  <<      lsl
  >>      lsr
  >>>     asr
  >|>     ror

Built in functions

clz    count leading zeros
cls    count leading signs
rbit   mirror bits
rev    swap endian
cnt    population count
adr    returns the address of a label

Conditional functions                 true false      
  CSEL  cond x y   select               x | y
  CSINC cond x y   select increment   x+1 | y
  CSINV cond x y   select inversion    ~x | y
  CSNEG cond x y   select negation     -x | y
  CINC  cond x     increment          x+1 | x
  CINV  cond x     invert              ~x | x 
  CNEG  cond x     negate              -x | x
  CSET  cond       set                  1 | 0
  CSETM cond       set mask            -1 | 0

Program flow

< reg-list = > label <reg-list>
    Function call

return <reg-list>
    Return from function with zero or more variables

    Jump to the top of the loop

    Jump to after the end of the loop

    Conditional branch to a label

while cond
    Execute the loop zero or more times while cond = true

dowhile cond
    Execute the loop one or more times while cond = true
for x

for x = 1 to y

if then else


<op> set condition flags on the result of op, a = b <+> c

a = b > c ? 10 : 20
a = 10 if b > c else 20
a = if b > c then 10 else 20
<le> returns -1 if the condition flags matches the condition for Less than or equal otherwise 0.
<c> returns the Carry flag as 0 or 1


Condition flags

N Negative - The most significant bit of the result, 1 if the result is negative otherwise 0.
Z Zero     - 1 if the result of the instruction is zero, 0 otherwise.
C Carry    - 1 if the instruction results in a carry condition, for example an unsigned overflow that is the result of an addition.
V Overflow - 1 if the instruction results in an overflow condition, for example a signed overflow that is the result of an addition.
Mnemonic                        Condition     Exactly opposite
   AL    Always                    Any           NOP
   CC    Carry clear               C=0           CS
   CS    Carry set                 C=1           CC
   EQ    Equal                     Z=1           NE
   GE    Greater than or equal     N=V           LT
   GT    Greater than              N=V and Z=0   LE
   HI    Higher (unsigned)         C=1 and Z=0   LS
   LE    Less than or equal        N<>V or Z=1   GT
   LS    Lower or same (unsigned)  C=0  or Z=1   HI
   LT    Less than                 N<>V          GE
   MI    Negative                  N=1           PL
   NE    Not equal                 Z=0           EQ
   PL    Positive                  N=0           MI
   VC    Overflow clear            V=0           VS
   VS    Overflow set              V=1           VC
   LO    Lower (unsigned)          Alias for CC  HS
   HS    Higher/same (unsigned)    Alias for CS  LO

Memory access

[adr].32 = 0
[adr].64 = {xpos,ypos}    Multiple variables
b = [addr].s16
b = [addr1 + addr2].s16
arr[idx].64 = [addr2]
arr[idx]!64 = [addr2]     Increment idx by 8
push {var-list}               Access the system stack
pop {var-list}


Everything that starts on the first character on a line is a label. Labels are local to the function they are defined in. To reach other labels a fully qualified name is required.

label    x = 3
         a = adr bootloader.var2  ; Fully qualified label name

Data structures


Memory manager



Print value in hexadecimal

   clz     x11,x0
   subs    x11,x11,#64
   sub     x1,x1,x11,asr #2
   cinc    x1,x1,eq
   strb    wzr,[x1]
   ubfx    x10,x0,#0,#4
   cmp     x10,#9
   add     x10,x10,#'0'
   add     x11,x10,#7
   csel    x11,x10,x11,ls
   strb    w11,[x1,#-1]!
   lsr     x0,x0,#4
   cbne    x0,.loop

tohhex adr number
   leadingZeros = clz number
   remainingBits = 64 - leadingZeros
   remainingDigits = remainingBits / 4
   adr = adr + remainingDigits

   if remainingDigits = 0
       adr += 1
   [adr].8 = 0
   dowhile number <> 0
       digit = number.[3..0]
       number = number >> 4

       if digit <= 9
           digit = digit + '0'
           digit = digit + '0' + 7  

           adr -= 1
           [adr].8 = digit

tohhex adr number
   leadingZeros = clz number
   remainingBits = 64 <-> leadingZeros
   remainingDigits = remainingBits / 4
   adr = adr + remainingDigits
   adr = <eq> ? adr + 1 : adr

   [adr].8 = 0

   dowhile number <> 0
       digit = number.[3..0]
       number = number >> 4

       if digit <= 9
           digit = digit + '0'
           digit = digit + '0' + 7  

           adr -= 1
           [adr].8 = digit

Add with carry

x = y + z + <c>