Instruction set: PIC

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PIC 16 instruction set

Syntax key

Field Description
b Bit address within an 8 bit register
d Destination select, d=0 store results in W, d=1 store register in f
f Register file address 0x00-0xFF
k Literal field (Constant)
W Working register (accumulator)

Instruction set

Instruction Description Flags affected
ADDLW k Add Literal and W C,DC,Z
ADDWF f,d Add W and f C,DC,Z
ANDLW k And Literal with W Z
ANDWF f,d AND W with f Z
BCF f,b Bit Clear f -
BSF f,b Bit Set f -
BTFSC f,b Bit Test, Skip if Clear -
BTFSS f,b Bit Test f, Skip if Set -
CALL k Call Subroutine -
CLRF f Clear f Z
CLRW Clear W Z
CLRWDT Clear Watchdog Timer /TO,/PD
COMF f Complement f Z
DECF f,d Decrement f Z
DECFSZ f,d Decrement f, Skip if 0 -
GOTO k Unconditional Branch -
INCF f,d Increment f Z
INCFSZ f,d Increment f, Skip if 0 -
IORLW k Inclusive OR Literal with W Z
IORWF f,d Inclusive OR W with f Z
MOVLW k Move Literal to W -
MOVF f,d Move f Z
MOVWF f Move W to f -
NOP No Operation -
RETFIE Return from Interrupt -
RETLW k Return with Literal in W -
RETURN Return from Subroutine -
RLF f,d Rotate Left f through Carry C
RRF f,d Rotate Right f through Carry C
SLEEP Enter SLEEP mode, stop oscillator /TO,/PD
SUBLW k Subtract W from Literal C,DC,Z
SUBWF f,d Subtract W from f C,DC,Z
SWAPF f,d Swap Nibbles in f -
XORLW k Exclusive OR Literal with W Z
XORWF f,d Exclusive OR W with f Z

Deprecated instructions

These instructions still work on most models and are useful for optimizations.

Instruction Description Flags affected
OPTION Load the OPTION register with the contents of W -
TRIS f Load a TRIS register with the contents of W -

PIC 17 instruction set

Instruction Description Flags affected
ADDWFC f,d ADD WREG and Carry bit to f OV,C,DC,Z
ANDWF f,d AND WREG with f Z
CLRF f,s Clear f, or Clear f and Clear WREG -
COMF f,d Complement f Z
CPFSEQ f Compare f with WREG, skip if f = WREG -
CPFSGT f Compare f with WREG, skip if f > WREG -
CPFSLT f Compare f with WREG, skip if f < WREG -
DAW f,s Decimal Adjust WREG Register C
DECF f,d Decrement f OV,C,DC,Z
DECFSZ f,d Decrement f, skip if 0 -
DCFSNZ f,d Decrement f, skip if not 0 -
INCF f,d Increment f OV,C,DC,Z
INCFSZ f,d Increment f, skip if 0 -
INFSNZ f,d Increment f, skip if not 0 -
IORWF f,d Inclusive OR WREG with f Z
MOVFP f,p Move f to p -
MOVPF p,f Move p to f Z
MOVWF f Move WREG to f -
MULWF f Multiply WREG with f -
NEGW f,s Negate WREG OV,C,DC,Z
NOP No Operation -
RLCF f,d Rotate left f through Carry C
RLNCF f,d Rotate left f (no carry) -
RRCF f,d Rotate right f through Carry C
RRNCF f,d Rotate right f (no carry) -
SETF f,s Set f -
SUBWF f,d Subtract WREG from f OV,C,DC,Z
SUBWFB f,d Subtract WREG from f with Borrow OV,C,DC,Z
SWAPF f,d Swap f -
TABLRD t,i,f Table Read -
TABLWT t,i,f Table Write -
TLRD t,f Table Latch Read -
TLWT t,f Table Latch Write -
TSTFSZ f Test f, skip if 0 Z
XORWF f,d Exclusive OR WREG with f Z
BCF f,b Bit Clear f -
BSF f,b Bit Set f -
BTFSC f,b Bit test, skip if clear -
BTFSS f,b Bit test, skip if set -
BTG f,b Bit Toggle f -
ADDLW k ADD literal to WREG OV,C,DC,Z
ANDLW k AND literal with WREG Z
CALL k Subroutine Call -
CLRWDT Clear Watchdog Timer /TO,/PD
GOTO k Unconditional Branch -
IORLW k Inclusive OR literal with WREG Z
LCALL k Long Call -
MOVLB k Move literal to low nibble in BSR -
MOVLR k Move literal to high nibble in BSR -
MOVLW k Move literal to WREG -
MULLW k Multiply literal with WREG -
RETFIE Return from interrupt (and enable interrupts) GLINTD
RETLW k Return literal to WREG -
RETURN Return from subroutine -
SUBLW k Subtract WREG from literal OV,C,DC,Z
XORLW k Exclusive OR literal with WREG Z

PIC 18 instruction set

Instruction Description Flags affected
ADDWF f, d, a Add WREG and f C, DC, Z, OV, N
ADDWFC f, d, a Add WREG and Carry bit to f C, DC, Z, OV, N
ANDWF f, d, a AND WREG with f Z, N
CLRF f, a Clear f Z
COMF f, d, a Complement f Z, N
CPFSEQ f, a Compare f with WREG, skip = None
CPFSGT f, a Compare f with WREG, skip > None
CPFSLT f, a Compare f with WREG, skip < None
DECF f, d, a Decrement f C, DC, Z, OV, N
DECFSZ f, d, a Decrement f, Skip if 0 None
DCFSNZ f, d, a Decrement f, Skip if Not 0 None
INCF f, d, a Increment f C, DC, Z, OV, N
INCFSZ f, d, a Increment f, Skip if 0 None
INFSNZ f, d, a Increment f, Skip if Not 0 None
IORWF f, d, a Inclusive OR WREG with f Z, N
MOVF f, d, a Move f Z, N
MOVFF fs, fd Move fs to fd None
MOVWF f, a Move WREG to f None
MULWF f, a Multiply WREG with f None
NEGF f, a Negate f C, DC, Z, OV, N
RLCF f, d, a Rotate Left f through Carry C, Z, N
RLNCF f, d, a Rotate Left f (No Carry) Z, N
RRCF f, d, a Rotate Right f through Carry C, Z, N
RRNCF f, d, a Rotate Right f (No Carry) Z, N
SETF f, a Set f None
SUBFWB f, d, a Subtract f from WREG with borrow C, DC, Z, OV, N
SUBWF f, d, a Subtract WREG from f C, DC, Z, OV, N
SUBWFB f, d, a Subtract WREG from f with borrow C, DC, Z, OV, N
SWAPF f, d, a Swap nibbles in f None
TSTFSZ f, a Test f, skip if 0 None
XORWF f, d, a Exclusive OR WREG with f Z, N
BCF f, b, a Bit Clear f None
BSF f, b, a Bit Set f None
BTFSC f, b, a Bit Test f, Skip if Clear None
BTFSS f, b, a Bit Test f, Skip if Set None
BTG f, d, a Bit Toggle f None
BC n Branch if Carry None
BN n Branch if Negative None
BNC n Branch if Not Carry None
BNN n Branch if Not Negative None
BNOV n Branch if Not Overflow None
BNZ n Branch if Not Zero None
BOV n Branch if Overflow None
BRA n Branch Unconditionally None
BZ n Branch if Zero None
CALL n, s Call subroutine None
CLRWDT Clear Watchdog Timer /TO, /PD
DAW Decimal Adjust WREG C
GOTO n Go to address None
NOP No Operation None
POP Pop top of return stack (TOS) None
PUSH Push top of return stack (TOS) None
RCALL n Relative Call None
RESET Software device Reset All
RETFIE s Return from interrupt enable GIE/GIEH,PEIE/GIEL
RETLW k Return with literal in WREG None
RETURN s Return from Subroutine None
SLEEP Go into Standby mode TO, PD
ADDLW k Add literal and WREG C, DC, Z, OV, N
ANDLW k AND literal with WREG Z, N
IORLW k Inclusive OR literal with WREG Z, N
LFSR f, k Move literal (12-bit) to FSRx None
MOVLB k Move literal to BSR<3:0> None
MOVLW k Move literal to WREG None
MULLW k Multiply literal with WREG None
RETLW k Return with literal in WREG None
SUBLW k Subtract WREG from literal C, DC, Z, OV, N
XORLW k Exclusive OR literal with WREG Z, N
TBLRD* Table Read None
TBLRD*+ Table Read with post-increment None
TBLRD*- Table Read with post-decrement None
TBLRD+* Table Read with pre-increment None
TBLWT* Table Write None
TBLWT*+ Table Write with post-increment None
TBLWT*- Table Write with post-decrement None
TBLWT+* Table Write with pre-increment None