Instruction set: ARM

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Description key

Field Description
<> Optional
(x|y) Either x or y but not both
#exp Constant expression or label
Rn one of R0-R15, LR, SP or PC
Fn one of F0-F7
S Set condition codes

Integer instructions (32 bit)

Shift types
shift Description
ASL (Rn|#exp) Arithmetic shift left (LSL is preferred).
LSL (Rn|#exp) Logical shift left.
ASR (Rn|#exp) Arithmetic shift right.
LSR (Rn|#exp) Logical shift right.
ROR (Rn|#exp) Rotate right.
RRX Rotate right one bit with extend. LSB -> C, C -> MSB

Prosessor Status Register (PSR)
Flag Description
N Negative flag
Z Zero flag
C Carry flag
V Overflow flag
I Interrupt request disable
F Fast interrupt request disable

Condition codes
cond Description Condition
AL Always (normally omitted) Any
CC Carry clear C=0
CS Carry set C=1
EQ Equal Z=1
GE Greater than or equal N=V
GT Greater than N=V and Z=0
HI Higher (unsigned) C=1 and Z=0
LE Less than or equal N<>V or Z=1
LS Lower or same (unsigned) C=0 or Z=1
LT Less than N<>V
MI Negative N=1
NE Not equal Z=0
NV Never (do not use) N/A
PL Positive N=0
VC Overflow clear V=0
VS Overflow set V=1
LO Lower (unsigned) Same as CC
HS Higher/same (unsigned) Same as CS

Arithmetic and logical instructions

mnemonic<cond><S> Rd,<Rn>,(#exp|Rm<,shift>)
#exp has a range of X ROR N*2 where X=0-255 and N=0-15

mnemonic Description Operation
ADC Add with carry Rd=Rn+Rm+C
ADD Add Rd=Rn+Rm
SBC Subtract with carry Rd=Rn-Rm-(1-C)
SUB Subtract Rd=Rn-Rm
RSC Reverse subtract with carry Rd=Rm-Rn-(1-C)
RSB Reverse subtract Rd=Rm-Rn
AND Bitwise AND Rd=Rn AND Rm
BIC Bitwise AND NOT Rd=Rn AND (NOT Rm)
ORR Bitwise OR Register Rd=Rn OR Rm
EOR Bitwise EOR Rd=Rn EOR Rm
MOV Move Rd=Rm


mnemonic<cond><S|P> Rn,(#exp|Rm<,shift>)
#exp has a range of X ROR N*2 where X=0-255 and N=0-15

mnemonic Description Operation
CMN Compare Rn+Rm
CMP Compare Rn-Rm
TEQ Test equal Rn EOR Rm
TST Test Rn AND Rm

Multiply instructions

mnemonic<cond><S> Rd,Rm,Rs
mnemonic<cond><S> Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn

mnemonic Description Operation
MUL Multiply Rd=Rm*Rs
MLA Multiply-accumulate Rd=Rm*Rs+Rn

Branching instructions

mnemonic<cond> #exp
#exp has a range of +-223

mnemonic Description Operation
B Branch PC = PC + expression
BL Branch and link R14 = PC + 4 & PSR, PC = PC + expression

Single register load/store instructions

mnemonic<cond><B><T> Rd,address<!>
#exp has a range of +-4095 bytes.
! - Update Rn after use.
B - Byte transfer.
T - Force address translation from a privileged mode. (Not pre-index)

mnemonic Description Operation
LDR Load Register Rd = [address]
STR Store Register [address] = Rd

address (pre-index) address (post-index)
[Rn] N/A
[Rn, #exp]<!> [Rn], #exp
[Rn, <->Rm]<!> [Rn], <->Rm
[Rn, <->Rm, shift #s]<!> [Rn], <->Rm, shift #s

Multiple register load/store instructions

mnemonic<cond>type Rn<!>,{Rlist}<^>
{Rlist} - Any combination of registers.
If R15 is in {Rlist} then ^ will force update of PSR otherwise ^ maps {Rlist} to the User mode registers.

mnemonic Description Operation
LDM Load Registerlist {Rlist} = [Rn]
STM Store Registerlist [Rn] = {Rlist}

type Block load/store type Stack pop type Stack push
IA Increment Rn After FD Full Descending stack EA Empty Ascending stack
IB Increment Rn Before ED Empty Descending stack FA Full Ascending stack
DA Decrement Rn After FA Full Ascending stack ED Empty Descending stack
DB decrement Rn Before EA Empty Ascending stack FD Full Descending stack

SWI instruction

mnemonic<cond> #exp
#exp has a range of 0-224

mnemonic Description Operation
SWI Software interrupt Jumps to the SWI vector

Floating point coprosessor instructions


  • IVO - Invalid operation
  • REM - Remainder after floating point division
  • DVZ - Division by zero
  • OFL - Overflow
  • UFL - Underflow
  • INX - Inexact


  • S - Single (32 bit)
  • D - Double (64 bit)
  • E - Extended (80 bit)
  • P - Packed BCD (96 bit)


  • (default) - Round to nearest
  • P - Round to +infinity
  • M - Round to -infinity
  • Z - Round to zero

Floating point data transfer

mnemonic<cond>prec Fd,[Rn]<,#offset> | [Rn,#offset]
Offset is the number of words from the base register (+/-1020 bytes)

mnemonic Description Operation
LDF Load floating point Fd = [addr]
STF Store floating point [addr] = Fd

Floating point data operations

mnemonic<cond>prec<round> Fd,<Fn>,(Fm|#exp)

mnemonic Description Operation
ADF Add Fd = Fn + Fm
MUF Multiply Fd = Fn * Fm
SUF Subtract Fd = Fn - Fm
RSF Reverse subtract Fd = Fm - Fn
DVF Divide Fd = Fn / Fm
RDF Reverse divide Fd = Fm / Fn
POW Power Fd = Fn to the power of Rm
RPW Reverse power Fd = Fm to the power of Rn
RMF Remainder Fd = remainder of Fn / Fm
FML Fast multiply Fd = Fn * Fm
FDV Fast divide Fd = Fn / Fm
FRD Fast reverse divide Fd = Fm / Fn
POL Polar angle (ArcTan2) Fd = polar angle of (Fn,Fm)
MVF Move Fd = Fm
MNF Move negated Fd = -Fm
ABS Absolute value Fd = ABS(Fm)
RND Round to integral value Fd = integer value of Fm
SQT Square root Fd = Square root of Fm
LOG Logarithm to base 10 Fd = logten of Fm
LGN Logarithm to base e Fd = loge of Fm
EXP Exponent Fd = e to the power of Fm
SIN Sine Fd = sine of Fm
COS Cosine Fd = cosine of Fm
TAN Tangent Fd = tangent of Fm
ASN Arc sine Fd = arcsine of Fm
ACS Arc cosine Fd = arccosine of Fm
ATN Arc tangent Fd = arctangent of Fm

Valid values for #Exp:

  • 0.0
  • 1.0
  • 2.0
  • 3.0
  • 4.0
  • 5.0
  • 0.5
  • 10.0

Floating point register transfer

mnemonic Description Operation
FLT<cond>prec<round> Integer to floating point Fn = Rd
FIX<cond>prec<round> Floating point to integer Rd = Fm (no constants, use MOV instead)
WFS<cond> Write floating point stauts FPSR = Rd
RFS<cond> Read floating point status Rd = FPSR
WFC<cond> Write floating point control FPC = Rd (supervisor only)
RFC<cond> Read floating point control Rd = FPC (supervisor only)

Floating point comparisons

mnemonic<cond>prec<round> Fm,Fn

mnemonic Description Operation
CMF Compare floating point compare Fn with Fm
CMN Compare negated floating point compare Fn with -Fm
CMFE Compare floating point with exception compare Fn with Fm
CNFE Compare negated floating point with exception compare Fn with -Fm

Thumb instructions (16 bit)

Field Updates Action
MOV Rd, #<immed> N Z Rd := immed
MOV Rd, Rm N Z * * Rd := Rm
MOV Rd, Rm Rd := Rm
CPY Rd, Rm Rd := Rm
ADD Rd, Rn, #<immed> N Z C V Rd := Rn + immed
ADD Rd, Rn, Rm N Z C V Rd := Rn + Rm
ADD Rd, Rm Rd := Rd + Rm
ADD Rd, #<immed> N Z C V Rd := Rd + immed
ADC Rd, Rm N Z C V Rd := Rd + Rm + C-bit
ADD SP, #<immed> R13 := R13 + immed
ADD Rd, SP, #<immed> Rd := R13 + immed
ADD Rd, PC, #<immed> Rd := (R15 AND 0xFFFFFFFC) + immed
SUB Rd, Rn, Rm N Z C V Rd := Rn – Rm
SUB Rd, Rn, #<immed> N Z C V Rd := Rn – immed
SUB Rd, #<immed> N Z C V Rd := Rd – immed
SBC Rd, Rm N Z C V Rd := Rd – Rm – NOT C-bit
SUB SP, #<immed> R13 := R13 – immed
NEG Rd, Rm N Z C V Rd := – Rm
MUL Rd, Rm N Z * * Rd := Rm * Rd
CMP Rn, Rm N Z C V update CPSR flags on Rn – Rm
CMN Rn, Rm N Z C V update CPSR flags on Rn + Rm
CMP Rn, #<immed> N Z C V update CPSR flags on Rn – immed
NOP None
AND Rd, Rm N Z Rd := Rd AND Rm
EOR Rd, Rm N Z Rd := Rd EOR Rm
ORR Rd, Rm N Z Rd := Rd OR Rm
BIC Rd, Rm N Z Rd := Rd AND NOT Rm
MVN Rd, Rm N Z Rd := NOT Rm
TST Rn, Rm N Z update CPSR flags on Rn AND Rm
LSL Rd, Rm, #<shift> N Z C* Rd := Rm << shift
LSL Rd, Rs N Z C* Rd := Rd << Rs[7:0]
LSR Rd, Rm, #<shift> N Z C Rd := Rm >> shift
LSR Rd, Rs N Z C Rd := Rd >> Rs[7:0]
ASR Rd, Rm, #<shift> N Z C Rd := Rm ASR shift
ASR Rd, Rs N Z C* Rd := Rd ASR Rs[7:0]
ROR Rd, Rs N Z C* Rd := Rd ROR Rs[7:0]
REV Rd, Rm Rd[31:24] := Rm[7:0], Rd[23:16] := Rm[15:8], Rd[15:8] := Rm[23:16], Rd[7:0] := Rm[31:24]
REV16 Rd, Rm Rd[15:8] := Rm[7:0], Rd[7:0] := Rm[15:8], Rd[31:24] := Rm[23:16], Rd[23:16] := Rm[31:
REVSH Rd, Rm Rd[15:8] := Rm[7:0], Rd[7:0] := Rm[15:8], Rd[31:16] := Rm[7] * &FFFF
LDR Rd, [Rn, #<immed>] Rd := [Rn + immed]
LDRH Rd, [Rn, #<immed>] Rd := ZeroExtend([Rn + immed][15:0])
LDRB Rd, [Rn, #<immed>] Rd := ZeroExtend([Rn + immed][7:0])
LDR Rd, [Rn, Rm] Rd := [Rn + Rm]
LDRH Rd, [Rn, Rm] Rd := ZeroExtend([Rn + Rm][15:0])
LDRSH Rd, [Rn, Rm] Rd := SignExtend([Rn + Rm][15:0])
LDRB Rd, [Rn, Rm] Rd := ZeroExtend([Rn + Rm][7:0])
LDRSB Rd, [Rn, Rm] Rd := SignExtend([Rn + Rm][7:0])
LDR Rd, [PC, #<immed>] Rd := [(R15 AND 0xFFFFFFFC) + immed]
LDR Rd, [SP, #<immed>] Rd := [R13 + immed]
LDMIA Rn!, <reglist> Loads list of registers
STR Rd, [Rn, #<immed>] [Rn + immed] := Rd
STRH Rd, [Rn, #<immed>] [Rn + immed][15:0] := Rd[15:0]
STRB Rd, [Rn, #<immed>] [Rn + immed][7:0] := Rd[7:0]
STR Rd, [Rn, Rm] [Rn + Rm] := Rd
STRH Rd, [Rn, Rm] [Rn + Rm][15:0] := Rd[15:0]
STRB Rd, [Rn, Rm] [Rn + Rm][7:0] := Rd[7:0]
STR Rd, [SP, #<immed>] [R13 + immed] := Rd
STMIA Rn!, <reglist> Stores list of registers
PUSH <loreglist> Push registers onto stack
PUSH <loreglist+LR> Push LR and registers onto stack
POP <loreglist> Pop registers from stack
POP <loreglist+PC> Pop registers, branch to address loaded to PC
POP <loreglist+PC> Pop, branch, and change to ARM state if address[0] = 0
B{cond} label R15 := label
B label R15 := label
BL label R14 := address of next instruction, R15 := label
BLX label R14 := address of next instruction, R15 := label Change to ARM
BLX Rm R14 := address of next instruction, R15 := Rm AND 0xFFFFFFFE
SXTH Rd, Rm Rd[31:0] := SignExtend(Rm[15:0])
SXTB Rd, Rm Rd[31:0] := SignExtend(Rm[7:0])
UXTH Rd, Rm Rd[31:0] := ZeroExtend(Rm[15:0])
UXTB Rd, Rm Rd[31:0] := ZeroExtend(Rm[7:0])
SWI <immed_8> Software interrupt processor exception
CPSID <iflags> Disable specified interrups
CPSIE <iflags> Enable specified interrups
SETEND <endianness> Sets endianness for loads and saves.
BKPT <immed_8> Prefetch abort or enter debug state

Vector Floating Point Instruction Set

Instruction Exceptions Action
FMUL<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, OF, UF, IX Fd := Fn * Fm
FNMUL<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, OF, UF, IX Fd := - (Fn * Fm)
FMAC<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, OF, UF, IX Fd := Fd + (Fn * Fm)
FNMAC<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, OF, UF, IX Fd := Fd - (Fn * Fm)
FMSC<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, OF, UF, IX Fd := - Fd + (Fn * Fm)
FNMSC<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, OF, UF, IX Fd := - Fd - (Fn * Fm)
FADD<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, OF, IX Fd := Fn + Fm
FSUB<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, OF, IX Fd := Fn - Fm
FDIV<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fn, Fm IO, DZ, OF, UF, IX Fd := Fn / Fm
FCPY<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fm Fd := Fm
FABS<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fm Fd := abs(Fm)
FNEG<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fm Fd := - Fm
FSQRT<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fm IO, IX Fd := sqrt(Fm)
FCMP{E}<S/D>{cond} Fd, Fm IO Set FPSCR flags on Fd - Fm
FCMP{E}Z<S/D>{cond} Fd IO Set FPSCR flags on Fd - 0
FCVTDS{cond} Dd, Sm IO Dd := convertStoD(Sm)
FCVTSD{cond} Sd, Dm IO, OF, UF, IX Sd := convertDtoS(Dm)
FUITO<S/D>{cond} Fd, Sm IX Fd := convertUItoF(Sm)
FSITO<S/D>{cond} Fd, Sm IX Fd := convertSItoF(Sm)
FTOUI{Z}<S/D>{cond} Sd, Fm IO, IX Sd := convertFtoUI(Fm)
FTOSI{Z}<S/D>{cond} Sd, Fm IO, IX Sd := convertFtoSI(Fm)
FST<S/D>{cond} Fd, [Rn{, #<immed>}] [address] := Fd. Immediate range 0-1020, multiple of 4.
FSTMIA<S/D/X>{cond} Rn, <VFPregs> Saves list of VFP registers, starting at address in Rn.
FSTMIA<S/D/X>{cond} Rn!, <VFPregs> synonym: FSTMEA (empty ascending)
FSTMDB<S/D/X>{cond} Rn!, <VFPregs> synonym: FSTMFD (full descending)
FLD<S/D>{cond} Fd, [Rn{, #<immed>}] Fd := [address]. Immediate range 0-1020, multiple of 4.
FLDMIA<S/D/X>{cond} Rn, <VFPregs> Loads list of VFP registers, starting at address in Rn.
FLDMIA<S/D/X>{cond} Rn!, <VFPregs> synonym: FLDMFD (full descending)
FLDMDB<S/D/X>{cond} Rn!, <VFPregs> synonym: FLDMEA (empty ascending)
FMSR{cond} Sn, Rd Sn := Rd
FMRS{cond} Rd, Sn Rd := Sn
FMSRR{cond} {Sn,Sm}, Rd, Rn Sn := Rd, Sm := Rn
FMRRS{cond} Rd, Rn, {Sn,Sm} Rd := Sn, Rn := Sm
FMDRR{cond} Dn, Rd, Rn Dn[31:0] := Rd, Dn[63:32] := Rn
FMRRD{cond} Rd, Rn, Dn Rd := Dn[31:0], Rn := Dn[63:32]
FMDLR{cond} Dn, Rd Dn[31:0] := Rd
FMRDL{cond} Rd, Dn Rd := Dn[31:0]
FMDHR{cond} Dn, Rd Dn[63:32] := Rd
FMRDH{cond} Rd, Dn Rd := Dn[63:32]
FMXR{cond} <VFPsysreg>, Rd VFPsysreg := Rd
FMRX{cond} Rd, <VFPsysreg> Rd := VFPsysreg
FMSTAT{cond} CPSR flags := FPSCR flags