Frequency identification

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This program will search a list of fundamental frequencies and their multiples to identify the source of a given frequency. The list is held in a text file and can easily be added to, please submit common frequencies that should be added to the list.

Current list of recognised frequencies
50		Main power distribution frequency
60		Main power distribution frequency
15734 		NTSC M horizontal sync frequency
15625		PAL B,G,H,I,N / SECAM horizontal sync frequency
15750		PAL M horizontal sync frequency
31250		MIDI datarate
44100		CD sound samplerate
48000		DVD sound samplerate
455000		Radio mixer frequency / Communication / Sonar
1843200		Standard RS-232C UART clock		
3575611		PAL M colour burst frequency
3579545		NTSC M colour burst frequency
3582056		PAL N colour burst frequency
4433618.75	PAL B,G,H,I,D colour burst frequency
10700000	FM radio intermediate frequency
33333333	Common PC system clock		
48000000	USB Clock