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(Conditional execution)
(Data Processing Instructions)
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==Data Processing Instructions==
==Data Processing Instructions==
  xxxx000 aaaa s nnnn dddd ccccc ttt mmmm  Register form    ADD Rd, Rn, Rm, ASL Rc
  xxxx000 aaaa s nnnn dddd ccccc ttt mmmm  Register form    ADD Rd, Rn, Rm, ASL Rc
xxxx000 aaaa s nnnn dddd ccccc ttt mmmm  Register form    ADD Rd, Rn, Rm, ASL #c
  xxxx000 1101 s 0000 dddd ccccc ttt mmmm  Register form    MOV Rd, Rm, ASL Rc ( n = 0 for move instructions )
  xxxx000 1101 s 0000 dddd ccccc ttt mmmm  Register form    MOV Rd, Rm, ASL Rc ( n = 0 for move instructions )
  xxxx001 aaaa s nnnn dddd rrrr bbbbbbbb  Immediate form  ADD Rd, Rn, #bbbbbbbb ROR #rrrr0
  xxxx001 aaaa s nnnn dddd rrrr bbbbbbbb  Immediate form  ADD Rd, Rn, #bbbbbbbb ROR #rrrr0
Line 250: Line 249:
  If Rn = R15 then the value used is R15 with all the PSR bits masked out.  
  If Rn = R15 then the value used is R15 with all the PSR bits masked out.  
  If Op2 involves R15, then all 32 bits are used.
  If Op2 involves R15, then all 32 bits are used.
==Branch Instructions==
==Branch Instructions==

Revision as of 23:14, 13 May 2016


  • Implement an ARM v2a (ARM3) on a FPGA - Artix 7
  • Useful completeness - Full data processing instruction set, maybe simplified in other areas
  • Useful Performance - 25 MHz ARM3 or higher


  • Start with emulation in software

Instruction set for ARM3

Programming model

After system reset, the ARM begins processing at address 0x0, with interrupts disabled and in SVC mode. This address is the location of the Reset Vector, which should be a branch to the reset code.


Mode                   Short  MM    Description                               Shadow registers
User mode              usr    0b00  Normal program execution, no privileges   None
Fast interrupt Request fiq    0b01  Fast interrupt handling                   R8 - R14
Interrupt request      irq    0b10  Normal interrupt handling                 R13, R14
Supervisor             svc    0b11  Privileged mode for the operating system  R13, R14

Hardware vectors

0x00  Reset                      B     branchThru0error
0x04  Undefined instruction      LDR   PC,UndHandler
0x08  SWI                        B     decodeSWI
0x0C  Prefetch abort             LDR   PC,PabHandler
0x10  Data abort                 LDR   PC,DabHandler
0x14  Address exception          LDR   PC,AexHandler
0x18  IRQ                        B     handleIRQ
0x1C  FIQ                        FIQ   code --> 0xFB


 General purpose
R13 (SP)
 General purpose, commonly used as stack pointer
R14 (LR)
 Link register, PC is copied to R14 by Branch-link instructions
 Can be used as general purpose if correctly saved and restored

R15 (PC)
31                              0

N Negative flag
Z Zero flag
C Carry flag
V Overflow flag
I Interrupt request disable
F Fast interrupt request disable
A Address bits, the 2 LSBs are always zero.
M Mode
The program counter is always 2 instructions beyond the currently executing instruction because of the pipeline.

The instruction set

<>     Optional.
(x|y)  Either x or y but not both.
#exp   Expression.
Rn     Register number(0-15).
shift  indicates one of the following:
       ASL (Rn|#exp)  Arithmetic shift left by contents of Rn or #exp
       LSL (Rn|#exp)  Logical shift left.
       ASR (Rn|#exp)  Arithmetic shift right.
       LSR (Rn|#exp)  Logical shift right.
       ROR (Rn|#exp)  Rotate right.
       RRX            Rotate right one bit with extend. LSB->C C->MSB
       ASL and LSL are the same, but LSL is preferred.
       #exp has a range of 0-31.

Condition codes

AL    Always                   This is the default
CC    Carry clear              C=0
CS    Carry set                C=1
EQ    Equal                    Z=1
GE    Greater than or equal    N=V
GT    Greater than             N=V and Z=0
HI    Higher (unsigned)        C=1 and Z=0
LE    Less than or equal       N<>V or Z=1
LS    Lower or same (unsigned) C=0  or Z=1
LT    Less than                N<>V
MI    Negative                 N=1
NE    Not equal                Z=0
NV    Never              **Do not use**, NOP = MOV R0,R0
PL    Positive                 N=0
VC    Overflow clear           V=0
VS    Overflow set             V=1
LO    Lower (unsigned)         same as CC
HS    Higher/same (unsigned)   same as CS

Arithmetic and bitwise instructions

opcode<cond><S> Rd,<Rn>,(#exp|Rm<,shift>)
#exp has a range of X ROR N*2  X=0-255 N=0-15

ADC  Add with carry                  Rd=Rn+Rm+C
ADD  Add                             Rd=Rn+Rm
SBC  Subtract with carry             Rd=Rn-Rm-(1-C)
SUB  Subtract                        Rd=Rn-Rm
RSC  Reverse subtract with carry     Rd=Rm-Rn-(1-C)
RSB  Reverse subtract                Rd=Rm-Rn
AND  Bitwise AND                     Rd=Rn AND Rm
BIC  Bitwise AND NOT                 Rd=Rn AND (NOT Rm)
ORR  Bitwise OR                      Rd=Rn OR Rm
EOR  Bitwise EOR                     Rd=Rn EOR Rm
MOV  Move                            Rd=Rm


opcode<cond><S|P> Rn,(#exp|Rm<,shift>)

CMN  Compare    Rn+Rm
CMP  Compare    Rn-Rm
TEQ  Test equal Rn EOR Rm
TST  Test       Rn AND Rm

"P" can set the PSR to a given value if in a privileged mode.
"S" is default behaviour

Multiply instructions

MUL<cond><S> Rd,Rm,Rs        Multiply             Rd=Rm*Rs
MLA<cond><S> Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn     Multiply-accumulate  Rd=Rm*Rs+Rn 

Integer multiplication returns 32LSB of product of two 32bit operands.
Rd must not be R15 or same as Rm. Timing is dependent of Rs.
If "S" is given, N and Z are set on the result, C and V are undefined.

Branching instructions

B<cond>  expression   Branch, PC+=expression
BL<cond> expression   Branch and link, R14=PC+4&PSR & PC+=expression

Single register/memory swap instruction (ARM3 or higher)

SWP<cond><B> Rdest,Rsrc,[Rbase]

Single register load/store instructions

LDR<cond><B><T> Rd,(address|#exp)    #exp has a range of +-4095 bytes.
STR<cond><B><T> Rd,(address|#exp)
"B" Byte transfer.
"T" Force address translation from a privileged mode. (Not pre-index!)

Address syntax

"!" update Rn after use  
pre-index                post-index
[Rn,#exp]<!>                [Rn],#exp
[Rn,<->Rm]<!>               [Rn],<->Rm
[Rn,<->Rm,shift #s]<!>      [Rn],<->Rm,shift #s
The PSR is never modified.
The PSR flags are not used if Rn=R15. (PC is 8 bytes ahead, pipelining!)
The PSR flags are used when the PC is used as Rm.

Multiple load/store instructions

LDM<cond>type Rn<!>,{Rlist}<^>
STM<cond>type Rn<!>,{Rlist}<^>
"!" update Rn after use 
For a load with R15 in the list "^" forces update of the PSR.
Otherwise "^" forces the load/store to access the User mode registers.
Rn is taken from the current bank, so update of Rn goes to the User bank.

Rlist is a list of register to transfer in a low to high order.

DA  Decrement Rn After    EA  Empty Ascending stack
DB  Decrement Rn Before   ED  Empty Descending stack
IA  Increment Rn After    FA  Full Ascending stack
IB  Increment Rn Before   FD  Full Descending stack

In an empty stack the stack pointer points to first free slot.
In a full stack the SP points to the last data item written to it.
An ascending stack grows from low to high memory addresses.
A descending stack grows from high to low memory addresses.

You can always load the base register(Rn).
Only if Rn is the lowest register then the original Rn is stored.
This will only have effect if you use "!".

If R15 is in the Rlist:
 The PSR is saved with the PC, the PC is 12 bytes ahead.
 The PSR is only loaded if you use "^", the mode decides what to update.

If R15 is used as Rn:
 The PSR is used as a part of the address!.
 Write back is switched off.

SWI instruction

SWI<cond> <expression>
Software interrupt used for system calls
Set the processor to SVC mode, and then the processor jumps to the reset vector at address 0x8.
The R14_svc will be corrupted if you execute a SWI in SVC mode.

Instruction set binary representation

Conditional execution

Instruction Bitmap                  No   Cond Code             Executes if:
0000xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 0    EQ(Equal)             Z
0001xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 1    NE(Not Equal)        ~Z
0010xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 2    CS(Carry Set)         C
0011xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 3    CC(Carry Clear)      ~C

0100xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 4    MI(MInus)             N
0101xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 5    PL(PLus)             ~N
0110xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 6    VS(oVerflow Set)      V
0111xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 7    VC(oVerflow Clear)   ~V

1000xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 8    HI(HIgher)            C and ~Z
1001xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 9    LS(Lower or Same)    ~C and  Z
1010xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A    GE(Greater or equal)  N =  V
1011xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B    LT(Less Than)         N = ~V

1100xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx C    GT(Greater Than)     (N =  V) and ~Z
1101xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D    LE(Less or equal)    (N = ~V) or   Z
1110xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx E    AL(Always)            True
1111xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx F    NV(Never)             False

Data Processing Instructions

xxxx000 aaaa s nnnn dddd ccccc ttt mmmm  Register form    ADD Rd, Rn, Rm, ASL Rc
xxxx000 1101 s 0000 dddd ccccc ttt mmmm  Register form    MOV Rd, Rm, ASL Rc ( n = 0 for move instructions )
xxxx001 aaaa s nnnn dddd rrrr bbbbbbbb   Immediate form   ADD Rd, Rn, #bbbbbbbb ROR #rrrr0
aaaa  Name Meaning              Operation                Condition codes
0000  AND  Boolean And          Rd = Rn AND Op2
0001  EOR  Boolean Eor          Rd = Rn EOR Op2
0010  SUB  Subtract             Rd = Rn - Op2
0011  RSB  Reverse Subtract     Rd = Op2 - Rn
0100  ADD  Addition             Rd = Rn + Op2            N and Z from Rd, C and V from the ALU.
0101  ADC  Add with Carry       Rd = Rn + Op2 + C
0110  SBC  Subtract with carry  Rd = Rn - Op2 - (1 - C)
0111  RSC  Reverse sub w/carry  Rd = Op2 - Rn - (1 - C)
1000  TST  Test bit                  Rn AND Op2
1001  TEQ  Test equality             Rn EOR Op2
1010  CMP  Compare                   Rn - Op2
1011  CMN  Compare Negative          Rn + Op2
1100  ORR  Bitwise Or Register  Rd = Rn OR Op2
1101  MOV  Move value           Rd = Op2                 N and Z from Rd, if the shifter is used, C is set to be the last bit shifted out. 
1110  BIC  Bit clear            Rd = Rn AND NOT Op2
1111  MVN  Move Not             Rd = NOT Op2

000  LSL #c               Logical Shift Left
001  LSL Rc               Logical Shift Left
010  LSR #c for c != 0    Logical Shift Right
     LSR #32 for c  = 0
011  LSR Rc               Logical Shift Right
100  ASR #c for c != 0    Arithmetic Shift Right 
     ASR #32 for c  = 0
101  ASR Rc               Arithmetic Shift Right
110  ROR #c for c != 0    Rotate Right
     RRX    for c  = 0    Rotate Right one bit with extend
111  ROR Rc               Rotate Right

If Rn = R15 then the value used is R15 with all the PSR bits masked out. 
If Op2 involves R15, then all 32 bits are used.

Branch Instructions

xxxx101L oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo
Destination address = current address + 8 + (4 * sign extended offset)
The top 6 bits of the destination address are cleared. 
If L = 1, then the address of the next instruction is copied into R14 before the branch is taken.
The called function can return with MOV PC,R14, or MOVS PC,R14 to return with the original condition codes.


xxxx0000 00ASdddd nnnnssss 1001mmmm
If the S bit is set, the N and Z flags are set on the result, C is undefined, and V is unaffected. 
If the A bit is set, then the effect of the operation is Rd = Rm * Rs + Rn otherwise, Rd = Rm * Rs. 
The destination register shall not be the same as the operand register Rm.
R15 shall not be used as an operand or as the destination register. 

Single Data Transfer

xxxx010P UBWLnnnn ddddoooo oooooooo  Immediate form
xxxx011P UBWLnnnn ddddcccc ctt0mmmm  Register form

If L = 1, then a load is performed.
If P = 1, then Pre-indexed addressing is used, otherwise post-indexed addressing is used. 
If U = 1, then the offset given is added to the base register - otherwise it is subtracted. 
If B = 1, then a byte of memory is transferred, otherwise a word is transferred.

The interpretation of the W bit depends on the addressing mode used: 
For pre-indexed addressing, W being set forces the writing back of the final address used for the address translation into the base register. (i.e. A side effect of the transfer is Rn := Rn +/- offset. This is signified to assemblers by postfixing the instruction with !.) 
For post-indexed addressing, the address is always written back, and the bit being set indicates that an address translation should be forced before the transfer takes place. This is signified to assmeblers by postfixing the mnemonic stub with `T'. 
An address translation causes the chip to tell the memory system that this is a user mode transfer, regardless of whether the chip is in a user mode or a privileged mode at the time. This is useful e.g. when writing emulators: suppose for instance that a user mode program executes an STF instruction to an area of memory that may not be written by user mode code. If this is executed by an FPA, it will abort. If it is executed by the FPE, it should also abort. But the FPE runs in a privileged mode, so if it were to use normal stores, they wouldn't abort. To make aborts work properly, it instead uses normal stores if it was called from a privileged mode, but STRTs if it was called from a user mode. 

If the immediate form of the instruction is used, the o field gives a 12-bit offset. If the register form is used, then it is decoded as for the data processing instructions, with the restriction that shifts by register amounts are not allowed. 

If R15 is used as Rd, the PSR is not modified. The PC should not be used in Op2. 

Other restrictions: 
 Don't use writeback or post-indexing when the base register is the PC. 
 Don't use the PC as Rd for an LDRB or STRB. 
 When using post-indexing with a register offset, don't make Rn and Rm the same register (doing so makes recovery from aborts impossible).

Block Data Transfer

xxxx100P USWLnnnn llllllll llllllll
The U bit indicates whether the address will be modified by +4 (set), or -4 (clear) for each register. 
The W bit always indicates writeback. 
If set, the L bit indicates a load operation should be performed. If clear, a save. 
The P bit is used indicate whether to increment/decrement the base before or after each load/store (see the table below). 
Bit l is set if Rl is to be loaded/stored by this operation. 

Stub Meaning                             P   U
DA   Decrement Rn After each store/load  0   0
DB   Decrement Rn Before each store/load 1   0
IA   Increment Rn After each store/load  0   1
IB   Increment Rn Before each store/load 1   1

Synonyms for these exist which are clearer when implementing stacks: 
Stub Meaning
EA   Empty Ascending stack
ED   Empty Decending stack
FA   Full Ascending stack
FD   Full Decending stack
The S bit controls two special functions, both of which are indicated to the assembler by putting "^" at the end of the instruction: • If the S bit is set, the instruction is LDM and R15 is in the register list, then: ◦ In 26-bit privileged modes, all 32 bits of R15 will be loaded. 
 In 26-bit user mode, the 4 flags and 24 PC bits of R15 will be loaded. Bits 27, 26, 1 and 0 of the loaded value will be ignored. 
 In 32-bit modes, all 32 bits of R15 will be loaded, though note that the two bottom bits are always zero, so any ones loaded to them will be ignored. In addition, the SPSR of the current mode will be transferred to the CPSR; since user mode does not have an SPSR, this type of instruction should not be used in 32-bit user mode. 

 If the S bit is set and either the instruction is STM or R15 is not in the register list, then the user mode registers will be transferred rather than those for the current mode. This type of instruction should not be used in user mode. 
Special cases occur when the base register is used in the list of registers to be transferred. 
 The base register can always be loaded without any problems. However, don't specify writeback if the base register is being loaded - you can't end up with both a written-back value and a loaded value in the base register! 
 The base register can be stored with no complications as long as writeback is not used. 
 Storing a list of registers including the base register using writeback will write the value of the base register before writeback to memory only if the base register is the first in the list. Otherwise, the value which is used is not defined. 

Further special cases occur if the program counter is present in the list of registers to load and save. 
 The PSR is always saved with the PC (in 26 bit modes) (and the PC will always be 12 bytes further on, rather than the usual 8 (in all modes)). 
 On a load, only the bits of the PSR that are alterable in the current mode can be affected, and then only if the S bit is set. 

The PC should not be used as the base register. 

Software interrupt

xxxx1111 yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy
SWI #y

Single Data Swap

xxxx0001 0B00nnnn dddd0000 1001mmmm
SWP Rd, Rm, [Rn]

Co-processor instructions

The exact meaning of these instructions depends on the particular co-processor in use. The only part which is obligatory is that pppp must be the coprocessor number. Defined co-processors:

  • 1 Floating Point unit
  • 2 Floating Point unit
  • 15 Cache Controller

Co-processor data operations

xxxx1110 oooonnnn ddddpppp qqq0mmmm
CDP p, o, CRd, CRn, CRm, q
CDP p, o, CRd, CRn, CRm

Co-processor data transfer and register transfers

 xxxx110P UNWLnnnn DDDDpppp oooooooo LDC/STC
 xxxx1110 oooLNNNN ddddpppp qqq1MMMM MRC/MCR

Floating-point instructions
