Simple graphics language

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A simple graphics language for microcontrollers

We start with a very simple reverse polish notation interpreter with a preprocessor stage

Sample code:

to circle 360 for 1 forward 1 right next end


0 X (nn.ff)
1 Y
2 Angle
3 Scale
4 Colour
5 Pen up/down
6 Nested If counter

Stack diagrams:

( things read from the stack -- things written on the stack )
x - x position
y - y position
n - number
  ( n n -- n )
  This means that two numbers were read from the stack, then one number was written back.
  For example a simple addition reads two numbers and writes back the result.


Define function:
  To < function name > < code > End
Absolute commands
  _             ( -- n )( Special opcodes used by the compiler )
  setcolour     ( colour -- )
  readcolour    ( -- colour )
  setpos        ( x y -- )
  readpos       ( -- x y )
  load          ( address -- data )
  store         ( data address -- )

Relative commands:
  penup         ( -- )
  pendown       ( -- )
  forward       ( length -- )
  backward      ( length -- )
  left          ( angle -- )
  right         ( angle -- )
  for           ( n -- )
  next          ( -- )
  do            ( -- )
  again         ( -- )

  if            ( n -- )

Data processing:
  +             ( n n -- n )        ( to +  >r 0 r> - - end )
  -             ( n n -- n )        ( fundamental )
  *             ( n n -- n )
  /             ( n n -- n )
  lsl           ( n n -- n )        ( to lsl for dup + next end )
  lsr           ( n n -- n )
  and           ( n n -- n )        ( fundamental )
  or            ( n n -- n )        ( to or over not and + end )
  eor           ( n n -- n )        ( to eor over over or -rot and not and end )
  not           ( n -- n )          ( to not >r -1 r> - end )

Stack manipulation:
 drop           ( n -- )           ( to drop if endif end )
 dup            ( n -- n n )       ( fundamental )
 swap           ( a b -- b a )     ( to swap dup >r >r dup r> eor dup >r eor r> r> eor end )
 over           ( a b -- a b a )   ( to over >r dup r> swap end ) 
 rot            ( a b c -- b c a ) ( to rot >r swap r> swap end ) 
 -rot           ( a b c -- c a b ) ( to -rot swap >r swap r> end )
 >r             ( n -- )           ( fundamental )
 r>             ( -- n )           ( fundamental )

Optimal stack reordering in Forth

The dictionary

The dictionary used to convert a command into an opcode. It is a string like "SetcolourReadcolourSetposReadpos" that is searched linearly from start to end. Any character that is not a lower case "a-z" marks the start of a new word. The first compiler pass adds all functions to the end of this table.

The function jump table

This table contains the address of each function, in the same order as the functions appear in the dictionary. It is filled in during the second pass when the code position is known.


  read opcode
  if number then add number to the data stack
  if hardwired command then execute
  if function then look up the address in the function jump table and call it
0 load 0
1 load next byte on to the stack
2 load the next two bytes
3 load the next three bytes
4 load the next four bytes
5-15 reserved
16-255 commands